2022-04-15 15:51:00
Mark今日接到信息:亚马逊卖家团体消费者维权,账户解除冻结发生坚持不懈和气生财,这也促进了无赖律师事务所的气焰嚣张与得寸进尺服务平台权益与卖家利益是一个共体,2017年亚马逊全球开店深圳交流会上,亚马逊管理层表态发言,亚马逊的取得成功便是由于卖家的取得成功……卖家也尝试立即与亚马逊我国官方网沟通交流,说动亚马逊据涉嫌卖家向鹰熊汇的表露,卖家关键干了几层面的工作中:一、投诉才是刑事犯,钻法规空档耍无赖,假如一年都搞那么一出,难道不是搞的亚马逊卖家人人自危不可以正常的运营了,与此同时亚马逊是全部跨境平台中对知识产权最严苛、是打造出我国中小型卖家方式知名品牌较好的一个服务平台,这与此同时也合乎2018年亚马逊全球开店现行政策……一句话:弄乱亚马逊帮扶中小型卖家的品牌策略!二、假如任凭投诉方横行无忌明目张胆,将来别的卖家是否也会仿效,她们可以去其他卖家文章标题关键字里找到词句去申请注册,随后投诉其他卖家侵犯商标权?坚信那样的情形是服务平台不愿意看到的吧。三、本次有没有中招卖家总数并许多!如果是单独店面被投诉,针对亚马逊而言没什么危害,许多卖家被投诉就应当造成官方网高度重视了。与此同时,也是有律师组织尝试联络亚马逊官方网,表明恳求官方网出来带头协助这种被告方的卖家团体解决案件,与此同时提议对市场经理开展对外财务专业知识学习培训以最大限度的防止和规避风险。今日鹰熊汇原文刊登卖家请愿书,揭开所说的权利人勒索的真實相貌。通过证据调查,灵眼鹰发觉所说的Brain Flakes侵犯商标权案许多卖家是可怜被害!诸位卖家可以复制请愿书电子邮件內容加上自个的ASIN材料后立即发送给下面出示的电子邮箱。众人拾柴火焰高!鹰熊汇提议涉案人员卖家都发,维护保养自身的利益。notice@amazon.comnotice-dispute@amazon.comjeff@amazon.comseller-performance@amazon.com请愿书汉语版本号:我是亚马逊中国区域卖家,自己的名字是***,大家的帐户名是****。2017年12月5日发觉转账资产被冻洁,以后联络的亚马逊卖家精英团队,得出的理论依据是被权利人投诉侵 权,必须我们与权利人律师开展联络。 在联系权利人律师以前,大家也再一次的完成了专属的检索,并没有发觉有侵权行为状况。联络权利人律师时,另一方律师也并没有告之是哪层面侵权行为。一直到权利人律师发过来电子邮件确定为“Brian Flakes”侵犯商标权。一经确定,大家马上删除了被权利人觉得侵权行为的关键字,并与此同时下线了大家的商品。 大家的ASIN: 总市场销售额度 美元。 有关“Brian Flakes”这组词一直被认做为是雪花片的关键字,权利人于2016年5月3日申请办理,由2016年9月27日申请注册 取得成功。因为大家的工作失职,未及时处理“Brian Flakes”已被申请注册成商标logo。 因此,大家允许给权利人适度开展赔付,并确保没有在应用脑片一词。 1.据统计Viahart企业运用脑片一词大张旗鼓敲诈亚马逊卖家早已并不是好几个亚马逊卖家账户遭受理赔事情,2022年该企业不但将黑火再度伸到了亚马 逊卖家,还勒索了100多名WISH服务平台的卖家。WISH平台通过调研后聘用了技术专业律师确保卖家利益,Viahart企业自主撒诉。大家都知道,亚马逊是一个如此公平,认真细致的 服务平台,大家真心实意乞求亚马逊官方网干预调研,维护卖家利益,打压该类专利权地痞的气焰嚣张。 2.Viahart企业理赔的额度极大,而且危害我们要在12月16日以前把所规定赔付的资产转到她们的账号上,不然大家即将付款巨额的处罚而且丧失大家的账户与库存量。假如该企业没有商议的很有可能,大家最终也只能无可奈何舍弃亚马逊账户。另一方不断恐吓威胁,这基本就并不是理赔反而是纯粹的勒索。另一方的理赔电子邮件大家早已提交在配件 ,请查阅。再度要求亚马逊协助,还卖家一个公平。 3“脑片”被申请注册为商标logo原本就存有占多数不科学之处,举例说明,倘若某一卖家将“计算机”一词申请注册了商标logo,那是否代表着别的卖家都不可以市场销售计算机了,这明显不是 合乎常情的,期待亚马逊能考虑到这一点,感谢。 4此次被权利人投诉,对咱们而言是一个十分很大的打压,大家并不是有心侵害他人的专利权而且允许给权利人开展恰当的赔付。可是权利人的补偿规定超过了有效范 围且权利人律师方回绝开展商议,只需要大家一定要在12月16日以前将资产转到她们的账号上,不然可能丧失大家的账号和库存量。2022年本次“Brian Flakes”侵权行为事情,早已在我国的电商业圈内各种微信公众号均有报道,反应极端。跨境电商网:跨镜电子商务鹰熊汇:搜狐网:真心实意的要求亚马逊官方网干预调研,帮助解决本次事情。言无不尽: ._biz=MjM5NzM2NzIzMQ== Brain Flakes on May 3 in 2016.But for sellers, the word brain flakes is a common keyword for snowflakes building toys.We really dont know how it happens and why this word can be registered into a brand successfully.If this can be successful, more person may exploit like this to report seller to violate their rights , we really can’t imagine how should sellers protect our rights and write our Keywords in the future.This action will cause more sellers become sufferers.But as for this situation, we are wrong at first, so we have tried to contact the owner and also try to communicate with the seller to get an appropriate way to resolve.But all the replies is from a lawyer called David Gulbransen .He asked us to provide the sales number and said they will verify these data with Amazon to make settlement offer on Dec 9 and we have cooperated to provide these datas to them at the same day. We have got the compensation offer from them on Dec 10 and this email includes many threaten sentences and words.The lawyer charged $** from us and the dealine is on Dec 16.If we didn’t pay before that date, we’ll be charged much more and will also lose our account., which is really high and unacceptable.They also asked us not to ask help from lawyers and just accept the settle offer.If we don’t do like that, we will lose much more, even lose our account.After searching on the internet, I found this action is a GROUP DEFENDANTS INFRINGEMENT INCIDENT.There are many reports about this incident and I will list some as the following: 1.After this, we have also done some surveys as the following and found this seller’s action is really suspectable.1.“Brain Flakes”was first used in 2013 and VIAHART applied this word as their brand on May 3 in 2016, registered successfully on Sep 27 in 2016, which has passed one year and nobody knows it has become a brand and all of sellers use this as a NORMAL KEYWORD. VIAHART also don’t do any measurements or warns nearly 2 years. Now this word “Brain Flakes” has been popularized by sellers and it has become a hot word in the building toys field. Suddenly VIAHART reports us and said we violated their rights. This action is really unacceptable and it seems like a scheme. For the normal procedure, if this word belongs to VIAHART, they will warn the sellers firstly not to use this word, once they registered successfully.2. VIAHART itself didn’t use the brand “ Brain Flakes” in their listing and they only use the Brand “VIAHART”, in their title they also don’t write and show this as a brand, so this action really mislead sellers who sells similar items to use this words without any risk. We can’t also distinguish it as a brand. All the information I stated you can check the ASIN: B00N7CD4BK to know that.As a seller, we are really helpless and really needs your help.We trust amazon is a fair, reliable and promising platform for both sellers and buyers.Look forward to your reply and pologize sincerely for any inconvenience.Best regards,
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